Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Neil Young's new album "Living With War"

I'm not so likely nowadays to jump into things political, but I am interested in Neil Young's upcoming album "Living With War". An interview can be seen here:

A rather articulate man. Kind of sad that rather than ask him about what he was trying to do and say with the album she (the interviewer) kept on trying to pick at ways he was being disloyal or perhaps might not have a right to speak because he's also Canadian even though he's been living in the US for 40 of his 60 years. The strategy seems to be to prevent disloyal speech when possible by questioning the credibility or motives of the speaker. Speech is supposed to be one of those inalienable, self-evident rights. Whether people will listen is another thing. I appreciate that Neil Young emphasized this in the interview that the protection of freedom and the right to speak and disagree is a responsibility shared by all people in all countries. At least the host's last comment was frank. The interviewer didn't know what to do with ".. I think that anyone who feels that the themes of this album are motivated by publicity, I think that's ridiculous".

The album can be listened to on the web starting Friday the 28th at